I already use reiserfs with notail, but potentially 60G wont go into 40G
of space without compression, and then there is trying to keep
versions ...  Its notail is also irrelevant if you backup into a single
file.  Same for LVM snapshots (though in this case its a non-LVM laptop
that I want disaster protection for - i.e., in case I drop it!).  My
working data is actually handled well by unison onto a solaris system at
work, but again, space/time and data transfer costs are a problem when
trying to do whole systems remotely, so it would be nice to handle it
myself, I just dont want to go buy another disk to do it unless I have


On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 02:47 -0500, Zac Slade wrote:
> On Thursday 11 May 2006 19:51, W.Kenworthy wrote:
> > What can I use for a compressed file system?  I am looking at setting up
> > a loopback mounted filesystem that I want to use to store backups into.
> > Compression is needed as space will become a limitation in the future (I
> > want to do a whole system backup that so far is 2:1 compressed via
> > tar.bzip2.  I am thinking of using dirvish into a compressed loopback
> > mount - but how do I set up a compressed fs?
> Have you tried reiserfs?  As long as it is NOT mounted with the "notail" 
> option it can sometimes save 50% on space compared to ext3/jfs/xfs depending 
> on your usage.
> There is also a possiblility of using LVM2 snapshots also if you have LVM2 
> devices already set up.  I'm not sure how dirvish is for backup and I'm not 
> sure how good a loopback backup to a file really is anyway.  That depends on 
> the consistency of at least a partition anyway.  Maybe you are trying to 
> solve the wrong problem?
> -- 
> Zac Slade
> ICQ:1415282 YM:krakrjak AIM:ttyp99
William Kenworthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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