On Wed, 31 May 2006 08:29:49 -0400, Timothy A. Holmes wrote:

> Raymond - the dev-lang/php use flag is there to pull in the PHP stuff as
> BASE requires it.

dev-lang/php is not a valid USE flag, php is.

If a program installed via portage requires php, portage will install it
as a dependency of that program. USE flags only affect optional
dependencies, such as when a program can be built with or without php

You really should read the USE flag documentation before messing with
them too much. Along with the flexibility it brings, Gentoo gives you a
great deal of power to totally fsck your system by fiddling with things
you don't understand.

One would have thought that after destroying five systems in this way,
you would have resorted to the documentation.

Check /usr/portage/profiles/use.*desc for descriptions of all USE flags
and 'emerge --info' to see which are in effect on your system.

Finally, don't change to many at once, and keep track of what you have
done. that way, if things do go wrong, you can retrace your steps and
find the cause (and solution).

Neil Bothwick

Jimmy Hoffa is buried here ------> X

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