Does anyone have any suggestions/preferences to a secure FTP server
for Gentoo?
Take a look at vsftpd. Their tagline: Very Secure FTP Daemon written
with speed, size and security in mind. It's in portage, and I've been
using it on a Gentoo system for some time now. I don't think it's ever
had more than a half dozen or so simultaneous connections, so I'm not
really giving it a workout, but I like it.

I would *really* recommend that he does not use Frontpage. It produces crap
code... I know nothing about Dreamweaver though.
The latest iteration of Dreamweaver produces pretty good code. Leaps
and bounds ahead of the previous versions and FP.

Version: 3.12
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!PS !PE Y PGP- t++ 5++ X+ R+++ tv+ b++ DI++++ D++ G e+ h-- r++ y+
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