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Jason's recent inquiry about the alternate terminals caused me to
revisit an issue that I've had for some time.  AFAIK, I don't have an
xorg.conf.  I've tried running `X -configure -verbose' and it fails
with a "Signal 11".  There are a bunch of modules that have invalid
references, but none of them are the modules that should be used for
my video card.  I've looked at the xorg.conf.example, but can't really
make heads or tails of it in regards to my specific equipment.

Ironically, I have no problem running gdm, and then logging into KDE.
So I know Xorg is working, I assume with some sort of default
configuration.  But there are little things that don't quite jive.
One of them is the alternate terminals.  Another is the fact that my
4-button wheel mouse, isn't recognized as a wheel mouse.

While looking closely at /var/log/Xorg.0.log, I noticed that Xorg had
been built under a different kernel.  So, I re-emerged Xorg under the
new kernel.  Which spawns a tangential question:  How can I tell what
other programs on my system would benefit from being re-compiled under
the new kernel - instead of re-emerging world?  Unfortunately,
recompiling xorg under the new kernel didn't seem to make a difference
as far as generating a new conf file, but there are some notable
differences.  One is that gKrellm with the "glass 2" theme is no
longer clear.

So, if anyone could help with either the xorg.conf issue, or the
new-kernel-rebuild question, I'd appreciate it.


- --
echo "hfouvyyAhnbjm/dpn" | perl -pe 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-1)/ge'

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