I have an MS Word "HTML" file.  I used Lynx to dump it to text and now I
want to get it to pdf.  I opened it in OOo and saved as an OpenDocument.
 However, all the paragraphs are hard wrapped at 80 characters so the
text does not take up the whole page.

Is there an easy way to go through the 100+ pages and just join the
lines of each paragraph so that they will be flowed correctly in OOo?

I have the dumped text file and the OOo file and both have the
paragraphs hard wrapped at column 80.  I would think there would have to
be some simple tool out there to go through the plain text file and just
join all the lines of a paragraph, no?


You roll an 18 in Dex and see if you
don't end up with a girlfriend
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