Arnau Bria wrote:
> This morning I noticed that gam_server was eating 80 90% of
> cpu... I'm trying to find who installed gamin in my system,

If you look at the ebuild 
('less /usr/portage/app-admin/gamin/gamin-0.1.7.ebuild'), you'll 
see that gamin provides the virtual fam.

  $ equery depends fam
  [ Searching for packages depending on fam... ]

But there are several other packages that depend on fam when the fam 
USE flag is set, among them kdelibs.

You can also do an 'emerge -pet world | less', and look under what 
package gamin sits.

> So, how may I know if gamin is required package?

It is used to observe whether files have changed.  Quite useful when 
you happen to pull out files from under Kate.  If you don't need it, 
drop the fam USE flag.

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