On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 15:34:08 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > I upgraded to 4.1.1 a couple of weeks ago & haven't done a mass
> > recompile & I have yet to run into any problem: yes, there's always
> > tomorrow (grin).

> I upgraded to 4.1.1 and ran into massive problems. People might
> remember a "short" thread on this list...

Oh yes!

I recompiled glibc, to be on the safe side, and KDE because it did have
problems (and I wanted to see if the kdehiddenvisibility flag made any
difference) but nothing else caused a problem.

Running a testing system, most packages would be recompiled within a
month anyway.

> Because of the problems I had, I would *NEVER* encourage people
> to *NOT* recompile everything.

I prefer to let them make up their own minds about this. I'm not saying
people shouldn't recompile everything, just that it may not be necessary.
If you have problems, emerge -e world may be quicker than trying to track
down the troublesome packages. Me, I prefer to find and solve problems
than do the Gentoo equivalent of a reinstall.

Neil Bothwick

"Doing it right is no excuse for not meeting the schedule."

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