Remy Blank wrote:
> Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> > Meanwhile I've figured out
> > how to create actions such as "Mute" and "Volume Up" and assign
> > them shortcuts.
> I didn't have to do anything to get those working, except make
> sure kmix is loaded on login. It seems that it automatically
> interpreted the volume controls correctly.

Hmm, maybe nowadays KMix comes with its global shortcuts predefined, 
here they were unset.  When I now set them (and disabled the Input 
Actions), they didn't work at first: logging out and back in was 

> The following don't work as shortcuts:
> keycode 162 (keysym 0x1008ff14, XF86AudioPlay)
> keycode 164 (keysym 0x1008ff15, XF86AudioStop)
> keycode 144 (keysym 0x1008ff16, XF86AudioPrev)
> keycode 153 (keysym 0x1008ff17, XF86AudioNext)

Which application should catch them?  You've set them as Global 
Shortcuts in that app?  If you've done so and it still doesn't work, 
try grepping through ~/.kde for XF86AudioStop and such: maybe they 
are doubly defined somewhere.  When still without luck, these 
threads might give you some new idea:

Oh, and what do you have set in the Section "InputDevice" 
in /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?

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