Jorge Almeida wrote:
> I tried Google Earth, liked it, tried again, and, sure enough, it froze
> my computer. By "froze" I mean no Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to kill the
> X-server, no Ctrl-Alt-F?, no Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot. I had to reboot by
> pressing the button in the box. (The bottom of the window said
> "Streaming 21%", forever.)
> Now, I know googleearth-4_beta is, well, beta. I'm not asking for help
> with googleearth, since I assume nobody can give it (Google probably
> uses Linux, but prefers to cater to Windows). What I find very
> un-linux-like is that a faulty program can leave me with no alternative
> but rebooting. I wasn't running the thing as root, of course. Can
> somebody
> guess what happened? And is there some way to avoid it happening again,
> short of not using googleearth? (Some way to limit the ressources the
> program can grab?)
Out of topic, but I hope its helpful.
Before pressing the "reset" button on your system actually you have
several other options. And these are better than reseting because
reseting could damage the file system. For this to work one has to
recompile his/her kernel like this:

make menuconfig >> kernel hacking >> Magic SysRq key [yes]

After this pressing {Alt + SysRq + "X"} makes the kernel take an
immediate action depending on "X". "X" may be some key from:

SysRq : HELP : loglevel0-8 reBoot tErm Full kIll saK showMem Nice
powerOff showPc unRaw Sync showTasks Unmount

("X" substitutes one of the  upper letters, "SysRq" = "PrintScrn" )

So it would be better if you had for example pressed sequentially the
combinations for "saK" (if it didnt work) > "tErm" > "kIll" > "Sync"  >
"Unmount" > "reBoot"

Best regards,

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