Richard Fish wrote:
> On 8/12/06, b.n. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I have a couple of questions:
>> - Is it safe to upgrade with a full desktop
>> (Xorg+Xfce+Thunderbird+Firefox...) system running, or will I get
>> everything crashing on me?
> If you start things up beforehand and leave them running, this should
> be safe.  


> Just be sure to follow section 3 of the gcc upgrade guide
> here:

Yes, that's my little precious bible now.

> I would actually recommend a slightly modified version of those
> instructions though:
> emerge -uv gcc
> gcc-config ...   # or eselect compiler set
> source /etc/profile
> emerge --oneshot libtool
> revdep-rebuild
> emerge -C =sys-devel/gcc-3.3*
> emerge -e world

Thanks. It seems to make sense.

> So since you would chrooting into your system, and using the compilers
> and libraries from your system, the knoppix kernel buys you nothing
> here as far as safety.

Yes, but by using Knoppix apps these shouldn't crash, being independent
from the chroot environment.
My concerns were mostly about the peril of X crashing (and being
temporarly unable to come again up) vs memory usage penalty with a
knoppix (but chrooted environment, no apps crashing).

However I guess I'll start the recompile tonight and eventually spend
tomorrow reading and cleaning home...

> It should be noted that python links against libstdc++, and since
> portage relies on a working python, it would be a very good idea to
> quickpkg python and gcc before beginning.  Then should something go
> catastrophically wrong, you should be able to untar python and/or gcc
> to get back to a working environment...

This was already on my list :)

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