On Sat, 2 Sep 2006 09:38:39 -0600
"Collins Richey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 9/2/06, Nick Rout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > please note that this is an english language list. If you cannot even make 
> > an attempt to speak english then go away.
> >
> That's the dumbest, sickest, most worthless comment I've seen on a
> list in a long time. You should truly be ashamed.

so next we will have people speaking txt spch and so on too. Come on a message 
that reads

"> I don't know how oooold your camera is ..... and I REALLY don't have
> AAAANNNNYYYY clue why thi hick we neeeeeeeed for all and everything an
> super truper hyper speciaaaaaal toooooooooooooooooool. ;)"

just really isn't on IMHO. We are not a haven for teen silliness, nor SHOUTING.

If the guy has a stuck keyboard, then I apologise (but still ask him to fix 


PS I only just noticed the poster has a .cz domain as part of his email 
address. It was not a tilt at his origins, but the reptitive 
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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