NFS and SAMBA doesn't mount at boot:

1. NFS

I receive the following message at boot:
Sep 15 14:34:34 [rc-scripts] ERROR:  cannot start
nfsmount as net.eth0 could not start
Sep 15 14:34:35 [rc-scripts] ERROR:  cannot start
netmount as net.eth0 could not start

remote_machine:/home/user/ /mnt_point nfs rw 0 0

I have both portmap and nfsmount running

The following command works fine:
/etc/init.d/nfsmount start


It also doesn't mount at boot.
I don't receive any message. It just doesn't mount.

// /specs smbfs
defaults,ro,username=myname,password=mypass 0 0

But the following command works fine:
mount /specs

My Gentoo has been upgraded 3 weeks ago to 2006.1
portage. I have performed etc-update so my configs are
I think that it has stopped working after that.
I'm using the kernel:

Do You have any idea what can be wrong with my
configuration ?

Thank You for help

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