On Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:50:28 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > It makes very little sense to ditch the unix norm of setting a 
> > systemwide domain name in favor of doing it per interface!  
> True. And that's probably why you don't *have* to set it per interface.

Exactly, the current system gives the choice of setting it globally or
per-interface in the same file.

> But I agree, it makes no sense to even be able to set this per
> interface.

I can think of a couple of uses for this.

A laptop with wired and wireless interfaces. wired is only used on the
"home" network, with a fixed domain. wireless is used in multiple
locations with the domain set via DHCP.

A server with multiple interfaces, running different domains on each,
although this could also be done with virtual hosts.

Neil Bothwick

"Apple I" (c) Copyright 1767, Sir Isaac Newton.

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