On Sat, 23 Sep 2006 09:58:56 +0200, Chris Walters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Hello everyone,

I realize that I just posted on this subject, but since all versions of
Xorg, except for modular X have been hard masked, I need some help or
advice - preferably from someone who has had this problem and solved it.

My configuration: Athlon 1 Ghz, 512 MB, and for video an ATI Radeon
9550SE (identified by the kernel probe as a Radeon 9600 AS.

This all works fine under monolithic Xorg (6.8.2).  However, when I have
tried to switch to modular Xorg, I can't get a screen.  I have tried
both the proprietary driver, which is supposed to support my card (the
kernel won't load it), and the radeon driver.

For setup, I have used every setup utility available, and even tried to
set up my xorg.conf file myself.  In most cases, it finds all the modes
supported by my card when I try it out, but it errors out with a couple
of errors: 1. Insufficient memory for the requested window, and 2.
Screens found, but none have a usable configuration.

For some reason, modular Xorg is not allocating enough memory for a
screen and I can't find a way to fix this.



Did you try:
#emerge x11-drm ?

I had some similar problems, as my Gentoo didn't installed the keyboard and mouse drivers (check if your did) :)

Next try to install the drivers from ATi homepage. After installing try:
#aticonfig --initial (it makes the xorg.conf)

Can you attach your xorg log?

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