Marc Blumentritt wrote:
> As fas as I understand it, this messages means, that the start of
> net.eth0 is backgrounding, because it can take some ticks. The next
> init-prozess is starting immediately afterward, before net.eth0 is up.
> If a init-process is started, before net.eth0 is up (in your case sshd),
> than it will go in the background, too, and waits, until net.eth0 is up
> and then it will start. Going in the background and waiting generates
> the "schedule" message.
> Since I put this stuff together on my own, I do not know, if it is
> correct. Can anyone confirm this?
> Cheers
> Marc
Yes. I had a similar or the same output when there was a faulty netplugd
here which was preventing eth0 to start. Then not only ssh but all the
services that depend on eth0 were giving this "schedule" message. I was
running my eth manually until I found the problem with after I got help
here from this mailing list.
Actually I think that OP's problem is eth0, not sshd but I'm just
guessing because I haven't enough info.

Best regards,

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