Terry Eck wrote:
> I've been a SuSE user for several years now currently running 10.0.
> I'm interested in giving gentoo a try with the object of converting
> from SuSE to gentoo. I've been looking at this list for a couple of
> weeks and have determined that there may be a steep learning curve
> on my part converting. Any words of advice on getting up to speed
> using gentoo before I install it.
> Thanks for any advice you might be able to give me.

I pretty much think that if I can install and run Gentoo then, anyone
willing to give it an honest try can do it. I *do not* have a technical
educational background.

I writing this to retiterate what all other responses have said - read
the Handbook and any other HowTo documents on the Gentoo site.  Books
have been written for other Linux distros, but no one has written one
for Gentoo - it's not needed.  Gentoo documentation is superlative and
exceptionally easy to follow!

If the something in the documentation needs clarification, or you run
into a snag, the people on this list are always ready to lend a helping
hand and in my experience you'll always be steered in the right direction.

Good luck!  At the risk of sounding biased, Gentoo is the best distro of
any!  I've used Redhat/Fedora Core, Mandrake (before it became
Mandriva), Mepis, and Ubuntu/Kubuntu and you couldn't pay me to go back
to any of those!




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