On Tuesday 03 October 2006 01:26, gentuxx wrote:
> Mick wrote:

> > Talking about security, is the vnc method the only way to secure this
> > communication (for both machines)?  Could there be perhaps ssh tunneling
> > established between the two boxen before the rdp protocol kicks in?
> I believe the RDP connection is encrypted (using Diffie-Hellman or
> whatever algorithm Windows likes these days).  A quick sniff gets what
> appears to be a key exchange and then a bunch of gobbledy-gook, so I
> think you should be good to go, if you're using RDP (and not VNC).  This
> is based on vague recollections, and a quick sniff with wireshark, so,
> please, don't take it as gospel.

I fear that I will not be able to use RDP with this particular box.  Some 
years now I locked this WinXP down sooo much that it is now impervious to 
most attempts to connect to it.  I tried to retrace my steps through the 
gpedit.msc and the registry but I can't reset everything to the wide-open 
M$Windows defaults.  I could of course reinstall WinXP, but this would be a 
waste of my time - perhaps I could convince my wife to do it instead ;-)

So, I will now try ssh+vnc which should hopefully work.

BTW, I tried rdesktop with another box (work's laptop) to prove that there was 
nothing wrong with my Gentoo box and it worked as you described - except that 
when the remote terminal launched an error said something like: "The 
administrator does not allow interactive logins".  It seems that my work's 
SysAdmins have locked this laptop down, but not as insanely as I did with my 
WinXP box.

Thank you all for your help.

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