
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 13:59:06 -0500
Michael Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> What if I wanted,, and as
> the network.  What would the syntax for those three be?  I've never been
> able to figure out what the syntax means... 

That slash notation is a shortcut for the netmask. /8 is the same as
"netmask". The number that comes after the slash is the
number of bits that is set in the netmask, counting from left. E.g.: (decimal) = 11111111.00000000.00000000.00000000 (binary).
This is the first eight bits are set.

A netmask gets masked onto the IP it belongs to to determine the net.
That is the network mask is combined via an AND operation with the
tested IP on the one hand and with the other tested IP (e.g. our own)
on the other hand. Both results must match. I'll use the private subnet
192.168.x.y as an example: You can use it as it is specified: To build
some Class-C networks. Such a network is specified as a /24 network.
That's the first 24 bits set and results in a netmask of
That essentially means: all addresses that match the first 24 bits of
the current IP do belong to our network. Such a network would be all IPs
from 192.168.x.0 (x like in our current IP) up to 192.168.x.255. If you
configure it instead with a /16 netmask (, it would include
everything from up to

Concerning the IPs you've mentioned, that looks like = 01000110.11101010.01111010.11111001 = 01000110.11101010.01111010.11111010 = 01000110.11101010.01111010.11111011

Note that the first 29 bits are all equal. So it would be sufficient to
specify a /29 netmask ( Note that this will also
include the IP It would probably not be wise to
actually set this as an IP netmask when configuring the interfaces
(will most certainly break routing and broadcasts), but it can be used
in iptables configuration to match that given range of hosts.

I don't know ipkungfu, but I would be surprised if there wasn't the
possibility to specify more than one "LOCAL_NET". And a better name for
that config setting would actually be "ALLOW_NET" or similar.

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