On Friday 06 October 2006 16:25, Dmitry S. Makovey wrote:
> On Friday 06 October 2006 00:58, Mick wrote:
> > I've run memtest86+ a number of times and no errors were shown.
> > There's a whole thread (either in this ML or in the forums) as to
> > why memtest is not a foolproof test for your *system* as opposed to
> > a memory module.  Try to search around and look in Google too, in
> > case you find it.  There's alternative tests to memtest involving
> > running some script (if I remember right). As I said, whichever
> > test you run you need to make sure that it exercises your whole
> > memory system (modules, controllers, swap).
> >
> > Good luck.  :)
> >
> > PS.  My box would also crash in M$Windoze if the page file was
> > being used (e.g. manipulating large sections of text or pictures),
> > but not at the frequency of it crashing under Gentoo with a heavy
> > emerge and updatedb taking place.
> Thanks it helps to know that.

OK, I googled for this and found the script that I was talking about:



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