On Friday 06 October 2006 20:54, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] {OT} dvdrip permissions error, alternative?':
> > > dd if=/dev/dvd of=image.dvd
> > This is it's a standard store-bought DVD, this will end up copying the
> > encrypted (CSS) data to your HD, which will add CPU overhead at play
> > time.
> >
> > dvdbackup (in portage) does roughly the same thing, but decrypts once,
> > at rip time.
> I have a couple problems with dvdbackup.
> It doesn't seem to have an option for mirroring the entire DVD
> structure into a single file

That's true, but xine, mplayer, and gstreamer all will play from a 
directory as fast or faster then they will play from an ISO.  I too prefer 
the single-file layout, but it's more important for me to have the CSS 

> The other thing is, it doesn't seem to do so well with my "The Life of
> Mammals" DVD.  When mirrored with dvdbackup, a couple of "Error
> cracking CSS key" messages are displayed in the terminal.

Never seen that one, but I'll bet that's a limitation of DeCSS, not 
dvdbackup.  I've sure VLC (when playing the dd image) encounters the same 
issues, it is just more forgiving of dropped or otherwise unavailable data 
in the stream than other clients.  I'm not sure what dvdbackup writes when 
it can't DeCSS. It is probably all zeros or complete trash.  In either of 
those cases it's not surprising all your video players choke on it, even 
if they can handle the case of missing data.

In any case, it makes sense for you to use something that doesn't perform 
the DeCSS at rip time and instead have VLC handle the lack of data each 
time you play it, at least for that DVD.

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