On Sat, 28 Oct 2006 18:39:43 +0200
Harm Geerts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 28 October 2006 08:30, Sarah wrote:
> > Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > > On 23/10/06, Arnau Bria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I can't help thinking the problem lies with my (lack of)
> > understanding of samba - our Squeezebox serves up the music from
> > the samba share beautifully - so I'm not sure what I'm getting
> > wrong in how I mount the share (mounting exactly the same way is
> > fine for Rhythmbox) for Amarok to read.  Maybe I'll have another go
> > one day soon!  If anyone has any hot tips or pointers that might
> > help, I'd be grateful - I think I'll tear all my hair out if I try
> > to emerge it again and end up with big problems with my system (I
> > so want to avoid a problem that I'll be doing a full system backup
> > before I have a go).

I have a setup similar to yours, down to the use of Squeezebox. The
only difference is that my collection is smaller and of mp3's rather
than oggs. Amarok seems to have no real problems with the share.

> It seems amarok is a little picky about this.
> http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Samba

FWIW, here's the relevant entry from my /etc/fstab (all one line in
the original):

//sanguinaria/music     /mnt/sanguinaria        smbfs
credentials=/etc/.samba_credentials,noauto,rw,user,umask=000    0 0

> You should be aware that amarok opens all files to read the metadata
> (tags) when you add them to the collection. This is done just once,
> after that all the metadata is stored in amaroks database.

There's another possible solution, which is to set up an iTunes server
on your filserver machine. I have mt-daapd, the opensource iTunes
server, running on my fileserver, so that my wife can easily administer
her iPod using WinXP and iTunes.

Your music on the iTunes server is then also accessible in recent
versions of amarok in the "Media Devices" tab.

It appears that mt-daapd supports ogg (although iTunes qua iTunes

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Chris Atkinson
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