Allan Spagnol Comar <allan.comar <at>> writes:

> you just have to rerun grub setup.


If I install XP in the partition and it writes over the MBR,
then, upon reboot, how do I get to grub.conf so I have the
option to reboot the gentoo, then run grub setup?

something like this for my previously shown setup?:
grub> root (hd0,0)    (Specify where your /boot partition resides)
grub> setup (hd0)     (Install GRUB in the MBR)
grub> quit            (Exit the GRUB shell)

Do I run grub setup when XP is booted up? 
Should I use a lived CD to boot up and fix grub?

easy and painless is what I had in mind...
Not to mention any potential gotchas....


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