On Mon, 2006-10-30 at 09:01 -0600, Michael Sullivan wrote:
> I know my subject line is a little melodramatic, but this is really
> frustrating.  I frequently have processes that killall doesn't kill and
> kill -9 <pid> doesn't touch.  For instance, this is taken from top:
> 24135 root      16   0  229m  35m 1064 S  0.3 59.7   8:52.11 javadoc
> I have Cntrl+C on the emerge (five minutes ago) and I've issued multiple
> killall javadocs and kill -9 24135 and still it runs.  Is there a way of
> getting rid of this process short of rebooting the machine?

I assume you did kill and killall as root?
Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

It's the thought, if any, that counts!

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