On Thu, 30 Nov 2006, b.n. wrote:

However, before giving up: have you tried to look in
(that should be the searchplugin of the FF panel)

and edit it with an English URL?
My file is as such:
My file looks as yours. It should, because I never edited global

I haven't tested, but I think that if you change http://www.google.com/search with


you could have your preferred behaviour hardcoded.


Maybe that would work, but it shouldn't be necessary. And it might not
be a good solution in case the box had more human users.

Please don't bother about this. Changing browser is not a
life-shattering experience, and both Opera and Konqueror seem nice
enough. As for issues like MathMl fonts and such, I'll have to see how
much I miss them.

Jorge Almeida
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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