> My server is mainly used for apache2 with mod_perl.  I would think
> that cache comes in handy.  Will a web server pretty much always find
> something more to cache, or can you add memory to the point where
> everything that can be cached is cached?
> - Grant

I have read a few articles on how Linux manages memory.  The thing I get
from it is this, Linux likes to have data in memory first, then it uses
swap because it is more "organized".  The last place it wants data is on
the hard drive.  It is all about speed of access.  Linux likes to be
really fast.

I guess if you have 16GBs of ram and it only access say 10GBs of data,
then it will eventually have everything in memory and not access the
drive much at all.  Same can be said for memory plus swap except that
swap is on the drive of course.

I will say this, I have 1GB of ram on mine.  I run a full install of KDE
and I have had 100 or more pictures open with Gimp and have never ran
out of memory.  The most swap I have ever used is about 200MBs and that
is with it set to use a lot of swap.  I think it was set at 80 or so.
With Linux, 1GB is a lot of ram.  The only exception being some heavy
games or video stuff.

If you have it, I would leave it unless you know you need it somewhere
else.  That's just my opinion and is subject to change.

The thing is, it's memory in a hosted machine and I think I'm paying
like $35/month for the extra gigabyte.  I should probably do some
testing or just have them remove the memory for a month and see how I
like it.

- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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