On 12/19/06, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Tuesday 19 December 2006 14:46, Andrew Gaydenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
about 'Re: [gentoo-user] CFLAGS Core2Duo':
> What is your "strategical vision" to this (use C2D as 32-bit or
> 64-bit) alternatives?

All (well, very nearly all) the software I need is available in 64-bit
versions, partially because I disdain proprietary software, so running
64-bit gives better performance with little cost.

> Is it smart to hope "Gentoo AMD64 FAQ" will
> be thiner and thiner during upcoming months? :-)

Yes, it will.  There will be fewer and fewer issues as 64-bit operation
becomes the norm.

My current advice is to read the FAQ and if anything mentioned is an issue
for you, go with 32-bit.  You lose some, but also gain some ease of use.

"If there's one thing we've established over the years,
it's that the vast majority of our users don't have the slightest
clue what's best for them in terms of package stability."
-- Gentoo Developer Ciaran McCreesh

Thanks for your help, I´ll change it tomorrow when I´m back home.


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