Jerry McBride wrote:
> PURE Microsoft FUD... "They" are pulling out all the stops now, trying to 
> block the advancement of Linux in any areas they can. The fact is, they are 
> loosing big time, big money.
> Do a simple google safari for "ie 7" and "windows vista" and read the posts 
> from ordinary windows users (not the professional microsoft shills)... 
> There's so much discontentment "out  there"  with microsoft products that 
> Microsoft will never be able to quell it. 
> It's a literal "Linux Breeding Ground" and Linux could fill their needs.
> If "you guys and gals" want to do some serious Linux advocating, start 
> lending 
> as much help as you can on the micosoft support usenet forums. Help as much 
> as you can. If you are successful, then perhaps you've made a friend. If you 
> fail at fixing their windows toys, offer them a free copy of linux... You may 
> make a friend for life.
> As example, I offer:
> I just spent two hours on the phone, helping a guy with his brand new Dell 
> desktop. It worked great a couple of days ago, today IE7 says is..."cannot 
> display webage". All webpages...dead. Turned out he "somehow" turned on the 
> windows firewall AND a third party firewall. Un-installing the second 
> firewall got him backup and in business. I helped him configure the windows 
> firewall as best as I could and recommend a few places to google for more 
> information on firewall setups. Yeah, I helped fix a windows box... It took 2 
> hours... The guy was a total nubie... However, at the end of the session, he 
> did take me up on my recommendation of using FireFox for general browsing and 
> IE7 for those sites that absolutely have to have it. He also took me up on my 
> offer of a free copy of a Live Linux DVD. 
> There's a gold mine of new linux users/converts out there. They just have to 
> be told that there really is CHOICE amongst OS's, browsers, etc...
> --
> Jerry McBride

My Brother who knows nothing about puters uses windoze XP.  The first
thing I did was install Mozilla.  I recently upgraded to Seamonkey
though.  He runs Norton on it and as far as I know he has only had one
or two infections.  Here are the rules I made for him.  If you get a
email with a attachment, send it to me first to look at.  NEVER OPEN
ANYTHING unless it is from me.  NEVER install nothing if a window pops
up, NEVER.  Update the OS regularly.  I usually get a alert and call him
to run the updater.  Keep Norton up to date.  If it expires, keep the
system offline until it is updated.

He has been really lucky.  I thank Seamonkey for a lot of that but those
rules up there help too.  I have seriously thought of putting Linux on
that thing.  Something like Mandriva or something.  He wouldn't care.

I also have a neighbor that stays broke.  I sort of put a system
together for him, monitor and all.  I put Linux on it too.  He loves
it.  It has a ton of card games that he had to buy for windoze and they
were always crashing or locking up windoze on him.

Linux may not be for everyone but there are a lot of people out there
that can use Linux and never really know the difference.  Let's educate
these poor souls and get them off the monopoly drug.


:-)  :-)  :-)

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