
On Wed, 3 Jan 2007 11:03:34 -0000 "Nelson, David (ED, PAR&D)"

>       Has the idea of distributing custom package.mask files
> occured? This way you can "mask off" certain versions of software and
> hence limit updates to minor changes. You can then use these on
> systems you want to keep as stable as possible, use a test machine to
> test changes to the package.mask and then roll it out. Might make
> management of many workstations/servers easier.

Naah, it wouldn't work by itself. You would still have to have a
"trusted state" portage tree in order to make sure what's _not_ masked.

It's far easier to replicate a known-state portage tree.

> Alternatively incorporating a custom package.mask into a custom boot
> CD could provide the basis of a Gentoo-derived custom distro?
> I use the word "custom" too much.

No, that's the outcome of this thread, I think. It's all about
customization. Customization that makes a streamlined distro impossible
to use for majority of Gentoo's users.

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