On Wednesday 03 January 2007 21:30, Steve Dibb wrote:
> Sean wrote:
> > I would like to create a database of some sort for my music collection.
> > It is large so I thought that somehow I could use some application
> > that could pull the info from a freebd server and if I wished I could
> > alter any info. Try to entering it all by hand will be just to big of
> > a project.
> >
> > I also hope to be able to export that info somehow. This attempted
> > project will only be fully useful if I can get the database in some
> > form into my Palm after it is created.
> >
> > Any such packages in portage that anyone can recommend for such a
> > project?
> > Any tips from anyone who has attempted such a project?
> >
> > Also, I am running Gentoo amd64, so the app(s) will need to run on
> > that platform.
> >
> >                 Thanks in advance
> >                 Sean
> I would recommend / try tellico.

I also would recommend tellico. It should suit your needs as it can export the 
data to pilot-DB which is an open source database for Palms. See 

Steve Evans            E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                       WEB:    http://www.gorbag.com
Registered Linux user #217906: http://counter.li.org
Public Encryption Key:         http://www.gorbag.com/public-key.html

2.6.18-gentoo-r6 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz GNU/Linux

 23:41:42 up 4 days, 12:13,  1 user,  load average: 0.51, 0.51, 0.37

Stewie Griffin:  [thinks] How wonderful it will be to have mother back! 
Brian Griffin:  [thinks] I heard that. 
Stewie Griffin:  [thinks] Damn!

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