I could find thread.h file there!
Maybe your tar ball of kernel has been damaged!
you could download it again and have a try !

On 1/4/07, Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I was just trying to compile one of my programs that includes
linux/threads.h for the #define PID_MAX_DEFAULT, however, threads.h
isn't there anymore!

I've just upgraded linux-headers to 2.6.19 - is this the problem?  I
can't find a replacement for PID_MAX_DEFAULT anywhere in the header
files - has the name changed?

google was also unhelpful AFAICT.  I'd appreciate help!

Iain Buchanan <iaindb at netspace dot net dot au>

Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up.

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