On Sun, 7 Jan 2007 17:56:15 -0800
Mark Knecht wrote:

> Sorry - meant to attach this also. Make sure you're building certain
> things with the alsa USE flag and preferably with the esd flag turned
> off. At least that's what I do:
> [ebuild   R   ] media-sound/esound-0.2.36-r2  USE="alsa ipv6 tcpd
> -debug" 0 kB 
> [ebuild   R   ] gnome-base/control-center-2.16.2 USE="alsa -debug
> -eds" 0 kB
Hi Mark

My USE flags were a bit different, notably -ipv6 and eds.  As eds is
the evolution-data-server it doesn't see related, but I've rebuild
esound without it in order to match your environment.

Unfortunately the rebuild hasn't changed the behavior I'm seeing. The
gnome sound preferences app is doing the same as before.  This app
seemed like a good way for setting up and testing whether sound is
working.  Is there a better way for doing this?


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