I used Ctrl+Alt+Fn to determine that the sizes of the copied
directories on the desktop system do seem to correspond with their
original sizes on the laptop so that's good.

How should I copy the data from the desktop system back to the laptop?
After the data is copied to the desktop, I'll make new filesystems on
the laptop's partitions, so how can I get the data back to the laptop?

- Grant

On 1/26/07, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My laptop is currently still copying everything to my desktop system
via tar and ssh.  I generally have to run rc on the desktop system
periodically to make sure network-dependent services are still running
as the desktop sometimes loses the wireless connection temporarily.
When I ran rc this morning, I saw that ssh started so it must have
stopped some time overnight as it usually does.  The laptop was still
running the tar | ssh command I had started the night before.  Could
the desktop be missing some of the laptop's data since the desktop
wasn't running ssh all night, or would it "catch up" now that ssh is

The laptop doesn't run sshd and X is not working so I can't make a
comparison of the data on the two systems.

- Grant

On 1/25/07, Kent Fredric <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > dd if=/dev/hda3 bs=<some_large_value> | bzip2 | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat
> > > /suitable/path/to/hda3.img.bz2"
> >
> > Or, if you can mount the partition, you can use tar:
> >
> > tar -cjvf - /mount/point/ | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cd /some/path ; tar -xjvf
> >
> you could also use netcat to transfer the files instead of ssh, would
> probably be closer to the speen of the lan and have less CPU overhead
> Target:
>   nc -l -p 5999 > hda3.img
> Source:
>   dd if=/dev/hda3 | nc 192.168.your.ip 5999
> if your hard drive is trashed like you say it is, you may want to use
> ddrescue ( sys-fs/ddrescue )
> And make sure for the love of sanity the drive you are copying is
> _NOT_ currently mounted, at least not in write mode, or the image you
> produce could be crufted.
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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