Grant wrote:
>> >> > and the vi command always seg faults. Does that mean the /dev/hda3
>> >> > image is done-for and I should just start the laptop over from
>> scratch
>> >> > and import my /etc/ and /home/ directories when it's re-installed?
>> >>
>> >> I would try putting it all back and re-emerge everything (emerge -vaD
>> >> --emptytree world). It would fix if anything bad happened to the
>> compiled
>> >> things and you could start using the things which survived sooner.
>> >
>> > I tried re-emerging vim from within the chroot and I got:
>> >
>> > /usr/portage/eclass/vim.eclass: line 342: make: command not found
>> >
>> > What do you think?
>> >
>> Have you checked the laptop drive? If it is faulty then re-installing is
>> just wasting your time.
>> I would recommend checking the drive with smartmontools before going any
>> further. Given the problems outlined above, I would make a package for
>> it on your desktop and do a binary install of the result on the laptop.
> I haven't checked the laptop drive yet.  Can I make a smartmontools
> package for the x86 laptop on the amd64 desktop?  How can I do that?

Actually, I just noticed that smartmontools is installed on the livecd,
so just use that! Post the output of '/usr/sbin/smartctl -d ata -a
/dev/hda' - (assuming that your hard drive *is* /dev/hda of course...)

That command takes less than a second to complete and there is a lot
of output.  One thing that jumps out at me is:

ATA Error Count: 868

Is there anything else I should post?

Hmmm - sounds like its seen 868 read/write errors. However to advise you better we need to see the output. I suspect it is huge because there are error details for each of the 868 errors. How about post the first 200 lines of the smartctl output to the list?



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