On Monday 29 January 2007 22:46:56 Vlad Dogaru wrote:
> I would like to know if unmerging KWallet (also the eduitainment suite
> and possibly even Kopette and Konqueror) is safe. How can I tell for
> other packages? Is emerge --unmerge enough or do other measures have 
> to be taken?

If you have installed monolithic KDE than you can't unmerge only KWallet. You 
would have to unmerge kdeutils which also contains programs you might need.

If you're using the KDE split ebuilds you can use 'equery d <package-name>' 
(app-portage/gentoolkit) to see what installed packages depend on 
<package-name>. For example, Konqueror is needed by Kdesktop  and Amarok 
among other things, so you probably don't want to unmerge it if you need 
either of them.

Simply unmerging a package that is needed by some other package is not 
sufficient as it would be pulled back in when you next run 'emerge -D world'.

KWallet only depends on kdeutils-meta. If you want to get rid of it unmerge 
kdeutils-meta and add the packages pulled in by kdeutils-meta to the world 
file (/var/lib/portage/world). You can find the names of these packages in the 
kdeutils-meta ebuild:

    $(deprange $PV $MAXKDEVER kde-base/ark)                                     
$(deprange $PV $MAXKDEVER kde-base/kcalc)
    $(deprange $PV $MAXKDEVER kde-base/kcharselect)                             
lirc? ( $(deprange $PV $MAXKDEVER kde-base/kdelirc) )

So you would add lines such as these:
... in the world file for each package you need and unmerge the ones you don't 
need. Be carefull with those useflag conditioned dependencies as in the case 
of kde-base/kdelirc which only gets installed if lirc useflag is activated.

>  Also, in the case of a fresh install, how can I choose
> what KDE installs? Do I have to run emerge kde, or would kdelibs,
> kdebase, etc (along with their dependencies of course) suffice?

Take a look at http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/kde-config.xml#doc_chap2_sect3 .

The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who
think.(Horace Walpole)
Dorin Scutarasu,

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