Fei Liu wrote:
Hello, I was going to install 'webalizer' (apache monitoring software) by 'emerge -kv webalizer', I got the following error:

!!! ERROR: app-admin/webalizer-2.01.10-r12 failed.
Call stack:
 ebuild.sh, line 1555:   Called dyn_setup
 ebuild.sh, line 668:   Called pkg_setup
 webalizer-2.01.10-r12.ebuild, line 45:   Called die

!!! recompile gd with USE="png"
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.

I tried to do 'USE="png" emerge -update gd', and I got a scary list of package ebuilds:
[ebuild  N    ] media-libs/gd-2.0.33  USE="png*"
[ebuild  N    ]  media-libs/freetype-2.1.10-r2
[ebuild  N    ]  media-libs/libpng-1.2.12
[ebuild  N    ]  sys-devel/libtool-1.5.22

What should I do in this case? How exactly should I update my 'gd' package? Sorry, I am still new to the emerge system.

You should add "png" to /etc/make.conf or /etc/portage/package.use and then reemerge gd lib (emerge --newuse gd).

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