On Thu, 2007-03-01 at 12:50 +1300, Kent Fredric wrote:
> How often do people here actually -use- beagle?
> I removed it after finding I never really used it, and that the
> default short cut for it and the memory usage it required to do little
> more than a 'find -print0 blah | xargs -0 -iARG grep "string" ARG '
> quite frankly disgusting 

Some people may actually get more use out of it.  For example I use it
several times a day.  I agree totally that it's far from perfect, but so
far the best solution I've tried.

A 'find ... |grep' would take a looong time to run just on my home
directory.  A good solution would be a tool that actually indexes files
in the background, and perhaps automatically when a file is
changed/added/removed.  And not just text in files but also other kinds
of metadata.  And when I click that file/data/whatever it would be cool
if it automagically opened the appropriate viewer and took me to the
exact location of what I am searching for. Pretty much a one-stop shop
for searching my stuff.

Btw, I did a search for "string" in Beagle and it only took a few
seconds to return some intelligent results.  A similar 'find ... |grep'
is still running after 17 minutes and is consuming a good amount of CPU
in the process.

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