On Sunday 11 March 2007 05:25:24 Chris wrote:
> I will begin by stating my problem.  I have the source code (in
> *.tar.bz2 format) for a couple of pieces of software that are not in the
> Portage tree at all.  I would like to compile and install them in such a
> way that I can use them, and even so Portage recognizes them.
> I have read the official Gentoo documentation regarding Portage, ebuilds
> and diverting from the Portage tree and while it gave me some ideas, it
> really didn't fully answer the question of exactly *how* to do what I want.
> I am hoping that someone can provide me with resources - examples and/or
> a walkthrough would be especially helpful.  I realize that the Gentoo
> team can only do so much and carefully test each package before putting
> it in the official tree.  There are just some pieces of software that I
> want that are not even in the testing tree.

The devmanual is a good place to start. If you use IRC then #gentoo-dev-help 
at freenode is a good place to get more help...


Bo Andresen

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