On Wed, Apr 04, 2007 at 07:19:39PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2007-04-04, Neil Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> My point is that why should you have to edit something before
> >> you can get legible output from something as basic as "ls".
> >> Why not default to a _useful_ condition?
> >>   
> >
> > It's VERY legible on all of the systems I administer - but, then, I use
> > the text-based console, not some horrible imitation in X. The colours
> > make text far more legible in such an environment, accentuating the
> > important bits very well. I see that as a "useful condition". Anyone who
> > uses an X-based "console" should expect to have to tweak things to suit
> > their own requirements.
> I don't use an X-based console.  I do however use a lot of
> X-based terminal windows.

Color output would be perfectly legible, or at least readable, if I
doubled my X-terminal font size.  But I want more lines and more
characters on each line, not colors.  I want the choice.  Maybe I
should accept crappy color for emerges and select a bigger font size
for a special emerge-only xterm.  But that's a Microserf solution.

            ... _._. ._ ._. . _._. ._. ___ .__ ._. . .__. ._ .. ._.
     Felix Finch: scarecrow repairman & rocket surgeon / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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