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Grant Edwards said the following on 2007-04-05 19:51:

|> Grant Edwards said the following on 2007-04-05 16:45:
|> | ...
| That will change the colors that are used by 'ls' without
| breaking other programs that use color?
The colors of any other program should be unaffected unless they are
dependending on the console colors AFAIK. And yes, ls colors will
change, as long as You use the xterminal which colors you have changed,
eg xterm, rxvt and so on .

I think there is a third alternative to rgb.txt and ~/.Xdefaults.
bash DIRCOLORS is an option and it will affect ls.

| I used rxvt for many years until cut/paste stopped working for
| me a couple years back.
Hmmm... I never had that problem so I can't help you with that one :/
Maybe someone else has more knowledge/experience than me regarding this

|> This should provide you with enough info on setting your preferred
|> colors. Getting a black (or any other color) background is not that
|> difficult,
| But I don't _want_ a black background.  I want a white
| background and a black foreground.
As  my previous posting stated, you can set whatever color (your
preferred xterminal app supports) for background and foreground , ie you
can choose white foreground on black background or any other combination
you prefer:

For instance

XTerm*background:  #ffffff
XTerm*foreground:  #000000

in your ยจ/.Xdefaults

should set black on white as default values for any xterm you open
(although portage could override it (?) since it's a python app(?) if my
memory doesn't fail me. Right now i can't verify if it works or not
because of my / disk crapping out on me.) I'm stuck Windoze again :(

I'm surprised that turning off colors for portage/emerge doesn't work.
It sounds like a very odd behaviour - it has always worked for me
whenever I tried it (although I prefer using colors - a matter of
personal taste - or lack thereof :)

//Cheers Tony
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