On 4/7/07, Tony Stohne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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Coder TuX said the following on 2007-04-07 14:46:
| resolv.conf is -rw-r--r-- so that's not the issue..
| I noticed that ping works for about every ip i've tried, but TCP
| connexions don't. why could that happen? I can browse my local webserver
| however...
I'm not entirely clear on this, so just for clarification:
Have You just pinged IP addresses or IPs AND domain names as well?

You pinged the address, but does it work when you ping the
corresponding domain name, ie va-in-f99.google.com, or any other domain

Pinging the IP address works, pinging the corresponding domain name doesn't.

If not it is clearly a problem with DNS not resolving properly, so check
your network configuration (/etc/conf.d/net.eth0 or whatever your file
is called)! Also read the example file in the same directory - it's full
of valuable info on how to set up your network config.

Those configs are ok. It's all managed by dhcp.

(If DNS resolution does work, it could also be a mockup with your
firewall rules. Maybe outgoing TCP is rejected or dropped, for some
reason. In all fairness, this shouldn't be happening unless you have
changed any rules. It's a more of an extreme possibility.)

I'll check the firewall rules, maybe there's something wrong there, but I
think I tried with iptables disabled and got the same result....

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