On Wednesday 11 April 2007 20:56, Philip Webb wrote:
> Ordinarily, I use Mtools to manage diskettes (floppies):
> it's very fast & efficient to copy & delete files from the CLI.
> I've long had Krusader installed & have recently tested Thunar & Dolphin
> & find that while they claim to handle diskettes, it's not reliable:
> sometimes they do copy or delete files successfully;
> sometimes they say they have, but nothing happens in the drive;
> sometimes they say they can't access the drive at all.
> I've added a line to  /etc/fstab :
>   '/dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy vfat noauto,user 0 0'

This won't work well with dbus and hald running at default runlevel.  To 
automount a device like /dev/fd0 you will need to take it out of fstab and 
leave the job to dbus & hald.  If you want to mount it manually from the CLI 
use pmount/pumount instead of mount.  Alternatively, if you want a totally 
manual approach forget hald and make an entry in fstab as above; vfat is best 
for writing long filenames, auto will also work as suggested.


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