
First I'm running ~x86 with the Xeffects overlay (Beryl-9999 on nvidia).

When doing a emerge -uDNav world, I had missed that the kdelibs-3.5.6-r7
being updated was from portage instead of from the xeffects overlay.
This caused kicker to crash first time I'd clicked on an icon.

OK, no problem, I just logged in using gnome-2.16.2 for a day, while
kdelibs from the overlay.

Now I'm back into KDE and kicker is no longer crashing.

But all my nicely arranged K menus are gone, replaced by the unorganized
mess that looks like the default gnome menus.

Is there any way to recover?  Or do I just have to take the hour or two
and recreate my menu structure?

Is this clashing of menu structures normal between window managers?
If so, any tools for backing up the menu structure?  Or a way to tell gnome
to use kde menu structure?

Also I don't understand how or where the menu structure is defined on
disk.  Any good references?


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