On Wed, 2007-05-09 at 19:52 -0400, JD wrote:
> Just got a D420 laptop and wanted to setup gentoo...
> Booted from cd, got to the OpenGL start, and X fails ...
> On looking at the details dialog, I find
> Dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so: undefined symbol:
> (EE) Failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so
> (EE) Failed to load module "GLcore" (loader failed, 7)

That means it was not able to find the GLcore module. Try locating it
$ locate libGLcore.so
on my system its in /usr/lib. You could den update the modules path in
xorg.conf or symlink (but the latter is no good idea)
Unfortunately I have no idea which package it belongs to. (Xorg itself?)

> In the X details dialog, other than the mouse error, and (what seems like)
> all of the fonts being invalid (Info and Warnings)
> The last line says:
> (EE) No devices detected.
> Fatal server error:
> No screens found
It just can't find a lot of fonts. Don't worry, they can be added later.
A recent version of x.org should really behave well despite this. The
"No Screens found" is the usual output xorg gives when it encounters one
or more errors during start up.

> The display (according to lspci) is Intel Mobile 945GM/GMS/940GML Express.
> Do I need to customize the xorg.conf file to get the install to work?

You could just try commenting the line 'Load "GLcore"' in xorg.conf.
That's just if you don't need GL-support for things like beryl.

Regards, Aleks

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