Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 June 2007, Thierry de Coulon wrote:
>> Everything has been compiled with the arts and oggvorbis flags, and I
>> did an emerge -e word to ensure everything had been compiled with the
>> actual flags.
>> What am I missing?
> You are not missing anything, you have something too much.
> Remove arts from your USE, from package.use and emerge -uND world
> Then start fault finding from the start all over again :-)
> Seriously, that utter piece of trash called arts has caused more grief 
> to KDE than just about anything else ever written for the entire 
> project. And you don't need it anymore - alsa now does everything arts 
> ever could, and more
> alan

Well, wanting to be up with the times, I removed the arts USE flag and
did a emerge -uvDN world.  12 hours later the update is done.  I have no
sound where before it was working fine.  I can play a CD.  I get no
sound from anything else.  Is it possible that I NEED arts for mine to work?

Any ideas?


:-)  :-)  :-)

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