On Sat, 07 Jul 2007 12:41:17 +0100, Mick wrote:

> Since you have not shown us how the LiveCD detects your cards:

How would I get this information?

> Assuming that you have modprobe -v 8139too and it loads fine (or you can
> see it under lsmod | grep 8139too as being loaded) then '/sbin/dhcpcd
> eth0 up' should get you an IP address.  Instead of eth0 you may need to
> run eth1 depending which iface is mapped by udev to your RTL8139
> ethernet card.

Thanks, I'll give that a try next time.

> For the link error you get, I think you need to have a CAT5 wire
> connecting your ethernet card to your router.

The keypoint to me is that I can reboot into the Fedora live cd, and 
everything's fine.  Or, I can boot into windows 2000.  Why is the gentoo 
live cd behaving differently, or having different requirements?

> If you want to configure your wireless connection instead (more
> complicated) then you need to modprobe -v sis900 and then follow the
> handbook.

Heh.  It's not really a wireless connection, though, is it?  As far as 
the pc is concerned it's a wired connection.  correct?  I'm using the 
asus wl-330g as a wireless bridge.  To my knowledge, fedora just sees a 
wired connection.  I can try knoppix, but would expect it to work out of 
the box, too.

How did you know it was wireless connection?


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