On Friday 10 August 2007 22:16:31 Florian Philipp wrote:
> Hi!
> Is there any sensible reason why it is not possible to change cflags and
> cxxflags on a per-package base like useflags?
> I think gcc's default behavior is to use the last given setting if you
> specify for example -O2 and -O3 at the same time. Therefore simple
> appending should be safe, shouldn't it?

CFLAGS is among the variables you can change on a per-package basis 
in /etc/portage/env/$CATEGORY/$PN or in a case; ...; esac construct 
in /etc/portage/bashrc, e.g.:

case "$CATEGORY/$PN" in

It doesn't stack but if you want it to you can always set it to
"$CFLAGS blah"...

In the case of gcc it won't matter which -O setting you set though as it's 
automatically overridden by -O2 in the tree.

Bo Andresen

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