Am Sonntag, 2. September 2007 schrieb Neil Bothwick:
> Hello Walter Dnes,
> >    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
> > /dev/sda1               1       60801   488384001    5  Extended
> > /dev/sda5               1          62      497952   83  Linux
> > /dev/sda6              63         549     3911796   82  Linux swap
> > /dev/sda7             550       60801   483974158+  83  Linux
> What's wrong with making sda7 an LVM partition? Then you can allocate
> space to the various directories as you wish.
> One disadvantage of your system that springs immediately to mind is that
> if a user manages to fill /home, it will stop the whole system working
> properly because /var is also full.

Another one is filesystem corruption, or even human error. Placing everything 
into one single filesystem is a Bad Thing (tm). I.e. you can't mount vital 
parts of the system ro to prevent accidental deletion, or keep data or home 
volumes safely unmounted until they are really needed/accessed (by use of the 
automounter), you can't use different filesystems for different purposes, 

Kids, don't try this at home :-)



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