Hi Philip,

Philip Webb wrote:
> The first thing to try what it says: run Ranlib.
> However, it's not clear which library you need to run it on:
> my system has no dir  /lib/readline ;

I found the directory, it's:

But that should emerge do for me or not?

> or you could try remerging the Readline pkg, which mb damaged in some way.

that is the first I tried but doesn't changed anything.
I also reinstall all packets which bash needs no success.

> I emerged this version of Bash 070728 without any problem.

I reinstall now bash 3.1_p17 which works fine.
So it should be a bug in the bash-package 3.2_p15-r1?

> My Readline version is 5.2_p4 (070701): do you need to upgrade yours ?

that I have installed too:
     Installed versions:  5.2_p4(22:27:19 09/04/07)

> Have you looked for similar problems in the Forum ?

yes but found nothing helpful.
And google didn't help too.

Best regards,


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