Hello, just installed from gentoo LiveCd 2006.0

after an emerge --sync, i upgraded portage, everything was running smooth
until the unmerging of the previous portage version started, this ended
abruptly with the error:

*[portage-2.0.54] bash: /usr/lib/portage/bin/ebuild.sh: No such file or

*after that, whenever i invoke the emerge command in any manner, emerge
package, emerge sync, etc i get:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/emerge", line 37, in ?
    from output import blue, bold, colorize, darkblue, darkgreen, darkred,
green, \
ImportError: cannot import name colorize

i am really baffled by this, and since what is failing its portage itself i
am really power less to solve this since i am a little short of ideas

i cry to you all for help

thanks in advance


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