On 23:04 Thu 27 Sep     , Petar Dimitrijevic wrote:
> forgottenwizard wrote:
>> On 19:42 Thu 27 Sep     , Petar Dimitrijevic wrote:
>>> Hi ppl,
>>> My basic idea is to have chroot-ed environment which will be the full 
>>> system and then to install separate system with only minimal stuff 
>>> (without gcc, portage, ...). When I need to update the minimal system I 
>>> will first update the chrooted one and the emerge the updates onto the 
>>> new one.
>> What it sounds like you want is an LFS system. Look at the -B option for
>> emerge. That may have some of what you are looking for.
> Hm I browsed through emerge man page but I'm unable to find the -B option. 
> Is this maybe --build option ?

Yeah. Just something to build the binaries should work.

>>> I wanted to ask if somebody has done something like this, is something 
>>> like this possible and are there any wiki's or howto's on this topic. 
>>> I've tried searching through the handbook and google-ing but had no luck.
>> I thought about doing this once before, but what is going to make the
>> diffrence is how minimal you want the system. Are we talking a kernel +
>> [ba|z]sh + coreutils or are we talking a tiny Apache server?
> Well I want to have couple of variations:
> 1. Apache, php, python,
> 2. Xorg, python, wxwindows
> So I guess they wouldn't be too small. My expectations are that the fs size 
> would be <= 256 MB to 400 MB. My target is VIA C3 Nemiah board with 128MB 
> RAM and 512MB CF Card.

Nice. Apache I know you could fit into that without a problem, and X
should be able to handle that little

>> If you want the absolute minimal, then I would look some into LFS since
>> Gentoo wants to install so much by default (gcc, bash, coreutils, wget,
>> ect).
> I thought about checking out LFS but Gentoo seemed simpler to try. Also 
> because of portage the system is easier to upgrade. But if I can't get what 
> I need I guess I'll try LFS.

Look up ALFS (Automated Linuc From Scratch). It's a basic system, but if
you want something fairly minimal, I'd suggest looking at Portage and
the ebuilds you like and see if you couldn't script yourself a small
package manager just using wget and maybe doing the compiling by hand
(or just running ./configure && make && make install, if you don't want
to do anything to minimize the installed packages).

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